- They are impressions of patterns formed by papillary or epidermal ridges of the finger tips
- Also known as fingerprinting or dermatoglyphics and is the most reliable method of identification- better than DNA fingerprinting as well.
- First used by Sir WIlliam Herschel in 1858
- Sir Francis Galton systemised this method in 1892 – Galton System.
- Further refined by Edward Henry
- First Fingerprint Bureau was started in Writers Building in Kolkata
- 4 Types-
- Loops-
- Most Common Type (60-70%)
- Entry point & exit point on same side
- 1 core and 1 delta present
- Whorls-
- 30-35%
- Ridges make complete 360 around centre
- 2 deltas are present
- Arches-
- 5-10%
- Can be plain arch or tented arch
- No delta or core
- Composite-
- 2-3%
- At least 2 different patterns other than basic arch
- Loops-
- Identification is made by comparison of many details such as ridges and their sequence.
- Ridge alterations may occur in eczema, scleroderma, acanthosis nigricans, etc.
- Proof of identity in comparison- 12 points are compared accoirding to Locard
- Patterns are not inherited so paternity cannot be determined.
- Are different even in identical twins
- Patterns are distinctive & permanent
- Prints can be obtained from dermis
- Permanent disfiguration of fingerprint pattern occurs in leprosy, electric & radiation injuries, etc.