Table Of Contents
Questions in bold, like this, are the latest CBME curriculum-based questions, i.e., 2019 and after.
Questions from 2018 and older, are in regular font like this, not bold.
Best if you view this on laptop or tab. If using a phone, view in landscape orientation

Short Notes
- Health Care Wastes- 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡
- Categories/ Color Codes 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡
- Health Hazards 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡
- Safe Disposal/ Management 🏡 🏡
- Incineration 🏡 🏡
- Enumerate various color-coded categories of healthcare waste and its treatment.
- A cancer specialty hospital is left with chemotherapy drug vials, IV tubes, syringes and other consumables. Suggest a plan for their safe disposal.
- Healthcare Wastes- 🏡
- Hazards 🏡
- Categories in India 🏡 🏡
- Methods of disposal/ Treatment 🏡 🏡
- Management in India
- Incineration 🏡
- Genotoxic waste