Community Medicine

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  1. NMC Competencies for Community Medicine matched (roughly) with chapters from K.Park. Find them here.
  2. Find the chapter wise distribution of Paper 1 and Paper 2 here.


  1. Man and Medicine: Towards Health for All
  2. Concept of Health and Disease
  3. Principles of Epidemiology & Epidemiologic Methods
  4. Screening for Diseases
  5. Epidemiology of of Communicable Disease
  6. Epidemiology of Chronic Non Communicable DIseases and Conditions
  7. Health Programmes in India
  8. Demography and Family Planning
  9. Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Geriatrics
  10. Healthcare of the Community
  11. Nutrition and Health
  12. Medicine and Social Sciences
  13. Tribal Health in India
  14. Sustainable Development Goals
  15. Environment and Health
  16. Hospital Waste Management
  17. Disaster Management
  18. Occupational Health
  19. Genetics and Health
  20. Mental health
  21. Health Information and basic Medical Statistics
  22. Communication for Health Education
  23. Health Planning and Management
  24. Essential Medicines and Counterfeit Medicines
  25. International Health
  26. Miscellaneous