Disaster Management

Table Of Contents


Questions in bold, like this, are the latest CBME curriculum-based questions, i.e., 2019 and after.

Questions from 2018 and older, are in regular font like this, not bold.

Best if you view this on laptop or tab. If using a phone, view in landscape orientation


  1. Explain disaster management cycle with suitable examples
  2. Discuss on disaster planning and crisis management

Short Notes

  1. Disaster Management Cycle 🏡 🏡
  2. Disaster preparedness 🏡
  3. Floods- Disaster Management 🏡
  4. Triage- Importance
  5. Steps to be followed after earthquake
  6. Describe various issues (or) problems during and after outbreak
  7. Man made disasters
  8. Disaster Mitigation 🏡
  9. Disaster Response
  10. Disaster Management Cycle
  11. Disaster Preparedness- 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡
    1. Components
  12. Triage 🏡

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