Table Of Contents
Questions in bold, like this, are the latest CBME curriculum-based questions, i.e., 2019 and after.
Questions from 2018 and older, are in regular font like this, not bold.
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Short Notes
- Genetic Counselling- 🏡 🏡
- Definition
- Types 🏡
- Importance
- Eugenics
- Prevention of Genetic Disorders 🏡
- Molecular Genetics- Advances
- Population Genetics
- Prenatal Diagnosis / Role of prenatal screening in prevention of genetic diseases in India🏡🏡
- Human Genome Project (HGP)
- Factors affecting gene frequencies
- Lead Poisoning
- Prevention of Genetic problems
- Human Genome Project
- Chromosomal Abnormalities
- Genetic Counselling 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡
- Health Promotional Measures for prevention of genetic diseases
- Eugenics 🏡