Demography and Family Planning

Table Of Contents


Questions in bold, like this, are the CBME curriculum based questions, i.e., 2019 and after.

Questions from 2018 and older, are in regular font like this, not bold.

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  1. Family Planning Methods- 🏡 🏡 🏡
    1. Define
    2. Enumerate/ Classify different methods 🏡
    3. Describe different methods
    4. Advantages of different methods 🏡
    5. Disadvantages/ Limitations of different methods 🏡
    6. Temporary Methods-
      1. Classification
      2. Advantages
      3. Disadvantages
  2. Family Planning –
    1. Definition
    2. List contraceptives used under national family welfare programme
    3. IUD-
      1. Advantages
      2. Side Effects
      3. Complications
  3. Demographic Cycle-
    1. Define demography
    2. Define demographic cycle
    3. Different Stages 🏡
    4. Population explosion in India
  4. Fertility-
    1. Definition
    2. Factors responsible for fertility
    3. Write in detail about fertility related statistics

Short Notes

  1. Family Planning Methods-
    1. Classification
    2. Natural Methods
  2. Emergency Contraception
  3. Intra Uterine Devices
  4. Methods used for evaluation of contraceptive
  5. Post Coital Contraception
  6. Define Sex Ratio
  7. Causes for Declining Sex Ratio in India
  8. Measures to improve sex ratio
  9. National Population Policy – Salient Features 🏡
  10. Population Explosion-
    1. Drawbacks
    2. Steps to stop the progress
  11. Demographic transition- explain with examples.
  12. Demography – Definition 🏡
  13. Demographic Cycle – 🏡 🏡
    1. Explain with examples 🏡 🏡
    2. Different Stages
  14. India is in 3rd stage of Demographic Cycle – Explain.
  15. Couple Protection Rate (CPR)
  16. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971- 🏡 🏡 🏡
    1. Describe the conditions under which pregnancy can be terminated
    2. Persons who can perform abortions
    3. Where abortions can be done
  17. Natural Family Planning Methods
  18. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP), 1971 🏡
  19. Ideal Candidate for IUD Insertion 🏡
  20. Emergency Contraceptives
  21. Conventional Contraceptives
  22. Population Pyramid
  23. Demographic Stages / Cycle 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡
  24. Couple Protection Rate (CPR)
  25. Sex Ratio
  26. Condom

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